Anjan Dutta


Welcome to my blog! I am Anjan, a front-end developer from India. In my blog, I write about JavaScript and front-end programming articles to help other developers.

My Algorithm Journey in JavaScript

  1. Leet Code 704: Binary Search
  2. Leet Code 278: First Bad Version
  3. Leet Code 35: Search Insert Position
  4. Leet Code 977: Squares of a Sorted Array
  5. Leet Code 189: Rotate Array
  6. Leet Code 283: Move Zeroes
  7. Leet Code 167: Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted
  8. Leet Code 344: Reverse String
  9. Leet Code 557: Reverse Words in a String III
  10. Leet Code 876: Middle of the Linked List


  1. Generate a QR Code in Javascript
  2. Create a custom select dropdown using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  3. HTML RGB color codes and their names
  4. Quickly style a select option in CSS: Works under 5 mins
  5. Reusable Custom Select Element in JavaScript
  6. Styling checkbox input using html and css
  7. Styling radio button input using html and css
  8. Change parent element property on focus of child in CSS
  9. Create gradient colored text in CSS
  10. Create gradient colored background in CSS
  11. Position an element at the bottom of its container in CSS
  12. How to fit div height to 100% of the browser window
  13. Vertically and horizontally centre content inside a div
  14. How to create a animated rotating loader in html and css


  1. Create and Trigger Custom Event in Javascript
  2. Default Parameter In JavaScript: What and How
  3. Extract Data from Arrays and Objects in JavaScript
  4. Promise in JavaScript an introduction for beginners
  5. forEach in JavaScript : 3 helpful things to learn
  6. Array in JavaScript, Things Worth Remembering
  7. Function in Javascript a Complete Guide
  8. Objects in JavaScript, a beginners guide
  9. Execution Context in JavaScript
  10. Scope in JavaScript an introduction for beginners
  11. Multiple Conditions in JavaScript if Statement
  12. Closure in JavaScript a Complete Definition
  13. JavaScript iife - Immediately Invoked Function Expression
  14. Reduce in JavaScript

How to's

  1. How to get the value of text input field using JavaScript
  2. Explode or split a string in JavaScript
  3. How to compare dates in JavaScript
  4. Convert number to string in JavaScript
  5. Remove a character from string in JavaScript
  6. Add elements to an array in JavaScript
  7. How to check if a JavaScript object property is undefined
  8. How to open URL in a new tab using JavaScript
  9. How to check if a value is a number in JavaScript
  10. How to get the length of a string in JavaScript
  11. Remove the last character of a string in JavaScript
  12. How to get the current URL with JavaScript
  13. How to check if a JavaScript array is empty or not
  14. How to get index from a JSON object with value: JavaScript
  15. Convert a string to number in JavaScript
  16. 3 easy ways to convert string to date in JavaScript
  17. Switch on ranges and multiple conditions in JavaScript
  18. Sort array of objects in JavaScript
  19. Get length of object JavaScript
  20. Check if string contains substring JavaScript
  21. Remove a specific item from an array in JavaScript
  22. Comparing Equality Operator and Identity Operator in JavaScript
  23. Check if object is empty JavaScript
  24. Remove last element from an array in JavaScript
  25. Insert an item at a specific index of an array in JavaScript
  26. Replace all occurrences of a string in JavaScript
  27. Check if an array includes a value in JavaScript
  28. Remove space from string in JavaScript
  29. JavaScript loop through object
  30. How to remove an element from array in JavaScript
  31. JavaScript Deep Clone an Object
  32. Check if key exists in object JavaScript
  33. JavaScript merge objects
  34. JavaScript check if object has property
  35. JavaScript remove object property
  36. Capitalize first letter of every word in JavaScript
  37. How to run a function when the page is loaded in JavaScript
  38. How to do an email validation in JavaScript
  39. How to do phone number validation in JavaScript
  40. How to disable a button using JavaScript
  41. How to capitalize the first letter of any string in JavaScript
  42. How to uninstall NPM package
  43. What is the difference between npm install --save and --save-dev
  44. Back to top link using html and JavaScript
  45. How to check if DOM content is loaded in JavaScript
  46. How to test string palindrome in JavaScript
  47. How to reverse a string in JavaScript
  48. How to include JavaScript in HTML
  49. How to convert an Array to a String in JavaScript
  50. Sum of all array items in JavaScript
  51. Check if URL contains string in JavaScript
  52. How to store and retrieve object in locals torage JavaScript
  53. Get the last element of an array in JavaScript
  54. How to get the current year in JavaScript


  1. Copy files from one directory to another in Linux
  2. Move files from one directory to another in Linux


  1. My blog reached 100 visitors a day
  2. Work life balance
  3. Moved my blog from Wordpress to Serverless
  4. I am enjoying the AWS world
  5. I've setup CI/CD pipeline for my blog!!!