Anjan Dutta

What is the difference between npm install --save and --save-dev

What is the difference between npm install --save and --save-dev

When we run the npm install package_name command, then the package name is added in the package.json file as a dependency.

The --save specifies that the package is required at production or development. That means, it is a required package regardless of the environment.

Since the npm v5.0.0 we do not need to specify --save explicitly. The package is added under the "dependencies" section by default.

Now, if you take a closer look at the package.json file, then you will notice a "devDependencies" section.

The --save-dev option tells the installer to install the package as development only dependency. And, the package will be added under the "devDependencies" section.

For example, code linters are installed as a dev dependency.